Virtual Private Servers for cTrader Automate

What is VPS

A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a virtual machine that functions independently as a physical computer. A VPS is particularly suitable for traders using cbots, primarily because it provides stability and reduces latency when located close to the trading server. In most cases it can be customized to meet user requirements.

The VPS trading environment is technically safer and the execution process smoother. It is always connected to the internet, so traders are protected from faulty connections and power cuts.

Using a VPS is easy. Just create an account with the VPS provider of your choice, connect to it and install cAlgo. Then copy your cbot over. We recommend periodically restarting cAlgo so that the most recent updates with new features and bug fixes are installed.

At the end of this section we have provided a list of VPS providers that host cAlgo and have been tested for optimal latency and compatibility with cAlgo.

Benefits of using VPS for trading

  • Low Latency - Finding a VPS that is located close to the trading server can greatly reduce latency, resulting in faster and more efficient execution of trades
  • Stability - A VPS is professionally maintained and as such can eliminate the possibility of technical problems that may disrupt execution of trades
  • Uninterrupted Execution - cBots executed via cAlgo run on the machine on which cAlgo is installed. Therefore, by using a VPS to run cAlgo, it means that you can run your cbots uninterrupted without keeping your own local machine running continuously

Minimum Requirements

  • Windows XP/Vista/7/8
  • .NET Framework 4
  • 512MB Memory. For high-frequency cbots or executing a large number of cbots simultaneously, it is recommended to have at least 1GB RAM

Data Center Location

If the VPS is located in London it will have low latency. If you are not using cAlgo to execute high-frequency strategies, and as long as you have chosen a provider from the list below, the location of your VPS data-center will not affect your trades.

List of Providers

The following section contains a list of VPS Hosting Service Providers, that have been tested for optimal latency and compatibility with cAlgo. You can visit their respective websites to review and compare.

We're sorry, but the list is empty at the moment.